domingo, 6 de mayo de 2007

about prince charming!!!!!!

i have come to find that prince charming does not exist!!!!!!!!!!! every single guy on this planet is not worth it...(except maybe for pepe rachid & superheroe Feedback & maybe stan lee) yeahh but except for guy is worth it and all of them are all the same!!!!!!!!!! con el paso del'll come to find that THEY ARE ALL THE SAME matter what you do... no matter what you say.... no matter whats going on between you and him....they WILL ALWAYS HURT YOU!!!!!!!!! they are all liar liars!!!!!!! and they only care about one thing...and only one thing (dispite what they say) they only care about their from now on IM NOT THINKING ABOUT MY PRINCE CHARMING ANYMORE...cause i've been hurt enough...if he really exists and if he really cares...he WILL HAVE TO FIND ME AND COME TO ME...AND PROVE ME THAT HE IS NOT LIKE THE REST....'cause my heart wont really stand another deception

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